Reviewer Information

All information about the reviewer in RISS Journal :

Reviewers Recruitment

The RISS Journal is published every 3 months in 1 year. RISS Journal welcomes scientists and researchers to participate as peer reviewers of the articles being considered for publication, international journals covering social science, social economics, social politics, humanities, culture, arts, gender, religion and other fields. The peer review process is important because it guarantees the quality of published articles, which in turn guarantees the success of the RISS Journal..

Job Description:

Peer reviewers are internet-based, part time volunteers whose working language is English. Their main tasks are to read and then recommend whether a manuscript should be accepted as is, accepted with revision, or outright rejected. To that end, peer reviewers will be asked to provide detailed, constructive comments that are substantiated by references where possible and that will help the editors in their publication decisions and with their author interactions. Reviewers must also be on alert for any issues relating to author misconduct, such as plagiarism, and report these to the editors.

Eligibility and Requirements for Peer Reviewers:

  • Doctoral degree or above,
  • Academic job at a university or organization,
  • Fluency in English (academic and professional),
  • Strong interest and expertise in scholarly journals,
  • Speed and accuracy.

If you are interested to be a reviewer, fill up the prescribed application form and send it to the managing editor at or

Download the application form for reviewers